Wednesday, August 20, 2014

It's been too long!

Hey Guys! photo 14080806192452_____P906idocomonejp.gif I'm happy to be back, and am hoping to start blogging more regularly photo o0020002010360232135.gif

I started making nails again! photo tumblr_m2in44qWnd1qf290m.gif A few people seemed interested in buying them from my etsy, so I think I'll make a couple test batches to see how it goes. photo tumblr_m2in40aVLB1qf290m.gif I've been in such a crafty mood lately, most of which has been focused on the apartment. photo 260462.gif

I recently bought these beauties off ebay and the frames came in today! photo nameicon_63321.gif I'm thinking I'll hang them in the bedroom. photo f4liiv.gif They're absolutely gorgeous though! photo tumblr_lub0lqMIY91qf290m.gif My only wish is that there was an even number. photo tumblr_m2ilt36OFp1qf290m.gif Corey suggested I alternate them so it  looks less awkward, and I think that's probably what I'll end up doing. photo o0020002010523240327.gif

I know everyone wants to know how I've been doing so well weightless wise, and I promise I'm putting together a post all about what I've been doing! photo tumblr_lymgktHbld1qcfn0j.gif I recently bought some Flat Tummy Tea and it seems to be really helping with bloat feelings. photo tumblr_m2im4w9VR61qf290m.gif I'll do a full review on it after my two week supply has been exhausted! photo b297e50939654d892374a1e56942630a.gif

Other than that I have been crushing episodes of  photo tumblr_m0mzkfiLvu1qcfn0j.gifSailor Moon! photo tumblr_m0mzkakU0M1qcfn0j.gif and trying to organize the apartment the way I want it before school starts up again. photo tumblr_m0ku4nxn8u1qb1380.gif I'm only taking two classes next semester, but I'm just trying to fill in the holes before clinicals for dental begin. photo 1262843.gif

I made a little schedule for myself for work, school, DDR, and gym time! photo tumblr_m2j6g7pxbE1qdo9j4.gif I'm trying to manage my time better photo tumblr_m2j6nlhw8W1qdo9j4.gif, and get my apartment looking the way I want it to. photo tumblr_m11fai5DMK1qcfn0j.gif My plan is to get back into making nails, and deco phone cases. photo 3b8948706bc07a3bbb10118a39788f45.gif The only other cool thing that happened was finally getting a pair of prescription sunglasses! photo tumblr_m1higw2QEW1qb1380.gif

I'm in love with them honestly. photo tumblr_m1o0hbjh941qf290m.gif They're Tiffany & Co. so they were a lot more money than I had wanted to spend. photo 10080508220711____SH903idocomonejp.gif They were just so perfect though. photo 277218.gif That's all for now, but I'll make sure I update soon, and post new nails just as soon!! photo tumblr_lz0vgrP1941qb1380.gif